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How Can I Repay The Lord/ Payback Time (Sadaka/ Matoleo)

Mtunzi: Alvin Marie
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Makundi Nyimbo: Sadaka / Matoleo

Umepakiwa na: Alvin Marie

Umepakuliwa mara 25 | Umetazamwa mara 28

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(1) I believe that Jesus died for me. A sacrifice beyond my understanding; offering Homself in placce of me. O how can I repay the Lord.

Father to you we offer, Lord Jesus to you these gifts we bring, Holy Ghost accept this offering which we offer up to you x2

(2) I believe all that the scriptures say, about the love beyond my understanding, forgiveness beyond comprehension; o how can I repay the Lord

(3) Teach me Lord to love you as I ought, teach me lord to love you all my lifetime, spreading love where ev' I find myself, O how can I repay the Lord

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