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O Holy Eucharist

Mtunzi: Dr. Nicholas Azza
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Makundi Nyimbo: Ekaristi / Komunio

Umepakiwa na: Nicholas Azza

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O HOLY EUCHARIST 1. O Holy Eucharist, the great spiritual nourishment That unites us to Jesus, and fills our souls with grace. CHORUS O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament divine. Let all praises and all thanksgiving be every moment thine. 2. Beneath this bread and wine, is the presence of Jesus, Truly present, body, blood and soul, and full divinity. 3. O Sacrament of love, O bond of charity The summit and source of all worship and Christian life. 4. O Jesus bread of life, O Jesus bread of angels, O Jesus with us always, until the end of time.

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