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I Shall Go To My Father

Mtunzi: Dr. Nicholas Azza
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Makundi Nyimbo: Mafundisho / Tafakari

Umepakiwa na: Nicholas Azza

Umepakuliwa mara 352 | Umetazamwa mara 622

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I SHALL GO TO MY FATHER Chorus I shall go to my Father and say to him, O Father, I’ve sinned against heaven and against you. Treat me like a servant, for I don’t deserve to be called your son; I have squandered away all your wealth. But I have now come to my senses, and I promise to mend my ways. 1. Such were the words of the prodigal son, who away went to a distant land, where in lavish, extravagant living, he wasted his share of his father’s estate. Soon a famine struck the land, and he became destitute, so very hungry, Not even swine food could he find to eat and relieve the pangs of hunger. 2. While the son was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him. Filled with compassion and deep love, the father ran, embraced, kissed his son. Dress him in fine robes, the father said. Bring out the fattened calf, let’s have a feast! For this son of mine was dead, but look, now, he’s back to life! 3. Just like the father of the prodigal son, so is out loving Father in heaven, who forgives and welcomes with open arms, the lost and broken of this world. There’ll be great rejoicing up in heaven, for every repentant, contrite sinner. God welcomes back all errant sons, who realize their wrong and seek forgiveness.

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